What is Google Analytics and what is the benefits of using it, How to set up google analytics and how to google analytics login account? How to add new website (property) to your account and get tracking code? You can read all these stuff from reading the post.

Set up Google Analytics: Set up a property - Google analytics logo

Google Analytics

Date launched: launched November 14, 2005

Type of site:Web analytics platform

Google Analytics is an amazing tool for statistics and analytics for websites offered by Google inc. The main purpose of Google Analytics is tracking and reporting website traffic. It was launched i November 2005.

Google Analytics platform and service is the most common, free, and useful web analytics service on the web network. It's providing SDK that's allowing gathering web data and restore it for your dashboard and giving detailed user reports and analytics.

Google Analytics Features

As we described before, Google analytics is the best existing tool used to track your website activity of the users such as:

  • Visits.
  • Sessions.
  • Session duration.
  • Pages per session.
  • Bounce rate.
  • Real-Time audience.
  • Audience.
  • Traffic resources.
  • Traffic channels.
  • referrals.
  • Active users.
  • Users Demographics.
  • Behaviors.

From the amazing abilities Google Analytics having is the easy integration with both Google ads ( Previously known as Google adwords ) and ( Google Webmaster tools ), Also you can set goals, create segments and more. Goals might include sales, lead generation results, viewing a specific page or more than one page, or downloading a file.

Google Analytics can identify the poor performing pages of your website using techniques such as funnel visualization, where your website visitors coming from (referrers). And providing more advanced features such as visitor segmentation.

Google Analytics Giving you Real Time analytics that's tracking users and reporting to webmaster about the currently viewing the website.

Set up Google Analytics

This is the easy how to set up google analytics account and make it running to your website.

Set up Google Analytics: Set up a property

Notice: You can add up to 50 properties (Websites/Applications...etc.) to each Analytics account. You can raise this when you create a larger account.

  1. Log in your Analytics account.
  2. Click Admin.

from the ACCOUNTcolumn, Select Add property

In the PROPERTYcolumn, Go to +Create Property from the menu appeared.

Select your type, Website or Mobile app.

if your choice was website, select Website, skip to Step 7.

If you select Mobile app, continue to Step 6.

Enter your Website or App Name.

(Web only) Enter your Web Site URL.

Select your app Industry Category.

  1. Select the Reporting Time Zone.
  2. Click Get Tracking ID.

What now?

Set up Google Analytics: Place your Tracking ID

In this step you have 2 choices: 

  1. Make your developer, Development and support company get it done for you.
  2. You can go and place it your self.

How to place your code? 

For any web application you've got 2 main tags of HTML tags. The first one is <HEAD> where files and meta information placed, and <BODY> Where content placed to be shown to users.

Go to the file of your project, Find the <head> tag, And before the end of your <head> tag which you can see this tag </head>. Place your code.

You can now start your website traffic test, To get sure your tracking code is working properly. 

Google Analytics Login

For making a successful login to your analytics accounts. You should have a Google account first. if you don't you can create your google account from this page:

Create a Google Account. 

Then you can Google Analytics Login from this page. Login.


Google Analytics
Google Analytics

Google Analytics Features and more

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