9 Key Features of Ghost Buttons and How Brightery Implements Them

1. Minimalistic Aesthetics

Ghost buttons are known for their transparent and empty appearance. They typically feature a thin, borderless outline in a contrasting color and a transparent or semi-transparent fill. This minimalistic approach creates a sleek and modern look that allows the primary design elements on the page to take center stage.

At Brightery, a leading website design company in London, when the team incorporates ghost buttons into client projects; they ensure the buttons have a delicate, almost ethereal quality. The thin outlines are carefully selected to complement the overall color scheme, drawing the user's eye without overpowering the content. The transparent fill allows the background imagery or design to shine through, creating a harmonious and visually appealing user interface.

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2. Shape and Simplicity

Ghost buttons often take on basic geometric shapes, such as rectangles or squares. This simplicity makes them easy to design and integrate into a wide range of web layouts. The straightforward shapes also contribute to the minimalist aesthetic, as they avoid distracting or complex forms.

When crafting custom designs for clients, A website design company in London explores various geometric options to determine the most suitable fit. Whether it's a rectangular ghost button for a call-to-action or a square variant used as a menu icon, the Brightery team ensures the shapes align seamlessly with the overall design vision.

3. Focal Points

Strategically placed ghost buttons can create focal points on a webpage. The contrasting border and transparent interior effectively draw the user's attention without overwhelming them. This makes ghost buttons an excellent choice for highlighting important actions or guiding the user's eye to key information.

Brightery as a website design company in London understands the importance of creating focal points on a page. When incorporating ghost buttons, they carefully consider the user's journey and identify the critical areas where these buttons can serve as visual cues. By positioning the ghost buttons in a way that complements the layout and content, Brightery ensures that users are naturally drawn to the most important elements, enhancing the overall user experience.

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4. Aesthetics and Space

Ghost buttons help maintain a clean and uncluttered user interface. Their transparent nature allows them to act as space savers, as they don't take up as much visual real estate as traditional solid buttons. This, in turn, enhances the overall aesthetics of the webpage, allowing the primary design elements to shine without distractions.

Brightery's design approach values the importance of aesthetics and efficient use of space. When implementing ghost buttons, the website design company in London ensures that they seamlessly integrate with the surrounding elements, creating a harmonious and visually appealing layout. By allowing the background imagery or design to remain prominent, Brightery's ghost buttons contribute to a polished and refined user interface that captivates the audience.

5. Integration

One of the key strengths of ghost buttons is their ability to blend seamlessly into various design styles and contexts. Whether used alone or in groups, ghost buttons can adapt well to different website layouts and color schemes, making them a versatile choice for web designers.

A website design company in London leverages this adaptability when working with clients. They carefully analyze the existing design elements and overall brand identity to determine the most suitable ghost button implementation. By ensuring the buttons integrate effortlessly with the surrounding elements, Brightery creates a cohesive and visually cohesive user experience that enhances the brand's online presence.

6. Call-to-Action (CTA)

Ghost buttons often serve as effective call-to-action (CTA) elements on websites. Placed prominently on the page, they can make important actions noticeable for users without overwhelming the overall design.

A website design company in London analyses the user's journey and identifies the optimal locations to position these buttons. By making the CTAs visually appealing and easy to spot, Brightery ensures that users are encouraged to take the desired actions, ultimately driving conversions and achieving the client's marketing objectives.

7. iOS Influence

The term "Ghost Buttons" gained prominence in the web design industry following the release of iOS 7 by Apple. Many iOS user interface (UI) buttons exhibit ghost-like characteristics, with their thin outlines and transparent fills. This trend has since been widely adopted by web designers, contributing to the growing popularity of ghost buttons.

Brightery as a website design company in London  stays up-to-date with the latest design trends and industry developments. When crafting websites for clients, they often draw inspiration from the clean and minimalist aesthetic of iOS UI elements, including ghost buttons. By incorporating these design principles, Brightery ensures that their client's websites have a modern and visually appealing look that resonates with users accustomed to the iOS interface.

8. Easy on the Eyes

Ghost buttons strike a balance between visibility and subtlety. They allow primary buttons to stand out and guide users to the next steps, without overwhelming them with overly bold or intrusive design elements. This makes ghost buttons an excellent choice for user interfaces that prioritize a smooth and comfortable browsing experience.

Brightery as a website design company in London emphasizes user experience as a top priority. When implementing ghost buttons, the team ensures that they are strategically placed and designed to be easy on the eyes. The thin outlines and transparent fills create a sense of visual lightness, guiding users without distracting them from the main content. This attention to detail helps Brightery create websites that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly accessible and user-friendly.

9. Design Considerations

While ghost buttons offer numerous advantages, it's essential to consider the context of the project and evaluate whether they align with the overall design goals and user experience. Brightery's design experts carefully assess each client's unique requirements and objectives before determining the most appropriate use of ghost buttons.


In some cases, ghost buttons may not be the optimal choice, and Brightery's designers are ready to explore alternative design solutions that better suit the client's needs. By maintaining a flexible and adaptable approach, Brightery ensures that the final website design not only looks visually stunning but also delivers a seamless and engaging user experience.

In conclusion, the nine key features of ghost buttons - minimalistic aesthetics, shape and simplicity, focal points, aesthetics and space, integration, call-to-action, iOS influence, easy on the eyes, and design considerations - highlight the versatility and benefits of this design trend. As a leading website design company in London, Brightery expertly leverages these characteristics to create visually appealing and user-centric websites that captivate audiences and drive results for their clients.

Views: 53386

Charlie Connor

About author
Charlie is one of the best teammates, She works as a sales team manager and She's the right leader in the right place and more. Charlie is an English American living in NewYork, US. You can find her selling things for anyone and everyone. Don't forget to follow her on social media.

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