did you ever believe in real life cyborg? how can it goes far with someone who wants to extreme body modification his own body and evolve it with body tech? Is it going to be a human vs robot paradox? let's take a look on the guy made himself a real life cyborg with body modification.

A real life cyborg made extreme body modification

A real life cyborg made a high and extreme body modification, It's not fitness body modification as you first time think, It's the human vs robot and how to increase the body tech.

This guy is controlling his whole life using chips and sensors he built in his own body, Russ Fox is a body modification artist, he believes that anyone should handle and look like what he wants to look like.

did you ever believe in real life cyborg? how can it goes far with someone who wants to extreme body modification his own body and evolve it with body tech? Is it going to be a human vs robot paradox? let's take a look on the guy made himself a real life cyborg with body modification.

Silicon Horns body modification

Russ made himself a body modification to look different with two forehead silicon horns, they're looking a bit strange, but he likes them anyway.

He believes that he should take a total makeover with his body, and the human body in general, and can transform the human body into something more evolved by using the technology.

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The Reality about Boston dynamics robot video

Real life cyborg

A real life cyborg, Yes, He built in-body tech chips, that can unlock doors, wake up the bike, opens the door, and more using his chip he built in his own body in the large of rice.

He also can access his safe, and almost every single thing using his own body modified chip built inside of his hands.

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What else?

He's not stopping this, or even his now satisfied, He's helping people to get tattoos, modify their bodies by getting a chip like his own, and other stuff. a brand new body tech and a new start to the human vs robot war, Isn't it?

extreme body modification video

Now let's take a look at this video, for Russ himself telling us his own story and giving us feedback about Russ's life.

He's saying: 

That you can look whoever you wanna look, And that's okay.



What do you think?

Now, What do you think, do you think it's cool to make this body tech modification stuff in? and start modifying our bodies as we want, no matters what are people going to think about? or you just see it another scary thing you wouldn't do?

Let us know in the comments below, And interact with social media accounts!

Category: News
Views: 7883

Charlie Connor

About author
Charlie is one of the best teammates, She works as a sales team manager and She's the right leader in the right place and more. Charlie is an English American living in NewYork, US. You can find her selling things for anyone and everyone. Don't forget to follow her on social media.

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