A small conversation with brightery graphic designer "Helen", Why does graphic design is my passion? what's graphic design? and how to make the perfect graphic design resume? what is the perfect graphic design job description? and what does she think about graphic design remote jobs?
Get Real experience from an expert.

Helen said: Graphic Design is my passion, a brightery designer life
Helen is one of our best graphic designers, Helen is working a full-time job at brightery since 6 months ago, And we wanted to make other people motivated to go on with a good career such Graphic design. Helen is going to tell us about her journey with the graphic design career and how did she achieve all the previews time with brightery.
Who is Helen?
We needed to make a simple interview with her, it supposed to be in a video, but somehow we found out that making this video a blog post is going to attract the target audience themselves, The needed for motivation designers around the world.
We asked Helen, Who are you "Helen"? and she answered:
Hi, My name is Helen David, I'm almost 27 years, I went to the law school, the truth is I wanted to go to Harvard law school but for some reason, I couldn't make it, then I've been to South Texas College of Law Houston, it was in Houston, Texas. and I was raised and born in New York, This is how I moved on and lived there.
The truth is, It was horrible, new people, new place, new life, for me? it's such a shit, maybe it's better for other people, unlike mine.
We've asked Helen, and how did you start the graphic design? she answered:
I loved painting, it's such a great pleasure, Then the digital painting came out, I was addicted to it, I've learnt from a friend and started my graphic design journey for students activities, You know these things you make for free to make others happy.
And after this small conversation, we needed to drink some coffee before we ask her, What's graphic design?
What's graphic design?
Well, after we made it to this point, we wanted to know more about what's graphic design for Helen, And we asked her: Helen, What's graphic design in your life?
The Graphic design is more than what's graphic design is, It's the art of transforming an idea, a landscape, a person to an immortal living forever concept, You catch an idea that will live more than yourself, like the other art pieces, it's the concept of transforming something, anything, to an immortal.
Graphic design is the power of living forever, to make ideas visual and to make life easier for others, and you.
graphic design resume
How do you advise other graphic designers when they're applying on the job to add on their graphic design resume?
All that you need to do is, Add the most amazing things you did, don't add just work samples to your portfolio, you must have been stressed, pushed, and stick to a business idea, add your own concept, your art to the portfolio and graphic design resume.
Trust me, no one cares about your name, your college, your age, they're just looking for your art, and if not, you should take that job.
Myself, I didn't graduate from a graphic design school or an art school, but I'm doing well at work, making my managers proud, my clients satisfied, and of course me, I do what I love.
Graphic Design is my passion, She Said
we asked Helen about things make her move on, Motivated, And happy to go to work every single day, She said:
Motivation? graphic design is my passion, I live every moment in my life checking menus design in the restaurants, Looking at logos on the billboards, how can we enhance everything in the world, every design, every font.
I wake up in the morning checking the colors of things around me, looking at every corner on the room, guys helped me to make my desk better by adding some colors and painting some stuff around on the walls, it was awesome. We simply redesigned our workstation to suit our inner feelings.
I love graphic design as much as I love doing it, graphic design is my passion, My true, Real, one and only passion.
What is the best graphic design job description?
we asked Helen, What is the best graphic design job description you ever have seen and how it should be like? She answered:
It was brightery's, I saw the ad saying: We need a graphic designer who can imagine things different, I didn't read the rest of the ad, I just sent my portfolio, days after, they called me, and I'm now here!
What was the cool thing with this? we asked, And she answered:
It's different, they want the real graphic designer who can see and imagine things different, they need an artist, not a person who's doing someone else's imaginary.
I was ready to do anything to get this job, I believed in myself that I have the ability to do what others can do, The viewpoint, the imagination.
And then she said about the best graphic design job description:
The best graphic design job description should include the word "Artist" unless you're looking for another fool who just can use Adobe products to copy others!
If you're not looking for an artist, You're not going to find a good graphic designer.

graphic design remote jobs
We asked a bit later: What do you think about the graphic design remote jobs for designers? and she answered:
I know it's a bit hard to work as full-time, it's taking much time and efforts but it's the best way to make your better improvements while working with other teams and develop your skills as possible.
I'm working online and taking graphic design remote jobs and tasks, my major Full-Time job is more important than working online, but I'm doing fine in both ways after all. don't hesitate to take more graphic design remote jobs and develop your skills. it's a choice.
Get the real experience from an expert, Helen is one of our brightery staff, and she's an expert graphic designer, In this post, she's giving you the tips about: what's graphic design?
And how can you write a good graphic design resume? what is the perfect graphic design job description? and if the graphic design remote jobs are really good? Learn all about Helen, And why she's saying that: graphic design is my passion? in this post.
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