strategies for business growth


In your first steps towards starting a brand, you might be wondering: What does it require? Should I hire an expert? isn't branding way too expensive?

In fact, there's a lot of creative ways and strategies for business growth to brand your business on a budget, of course, it requires a time investment, but the ROI won't go unseen, and in some situations, it might help you save money while building your business according to business growth strategies. 

Building your brand name is a basic part of your strategies for business growth, It's the foundation of giving a tune, identity, and recognition among consumers to your organization or business. 

And a brand-building might not be as difficult (or expensive) as some beliefs, thanks to the plenty of tools, ways, and platforms available today.

Strategies for business growth on a budget 

To grow and create a brand, you do not have to rob the bank, In fact, most of those tips can be done without spending much money is one of the best business growth strategies, The most important things to note when you create a brand you are keeping your customers in mind and delivering messages that support the purpose of your company or organization. 

Let's speak below about a budget-friendly way of growing a brand on a budget.

6 Steps for marketing on a Budget.

  1. Build a buyer persona to understand your audience.
  2. Establish an identity and voice For your brand,
  3. Start building out a clear presence in social media. 
  4. Start a blog.
  5. Give priority to customer service. 
  6. Take advantage of co-branding.

Build a buyer persona to understand the audience

The first of business growth stages is buyer persona, You have also heard your audience knowing is the secret for developing marketing campaigns that you provide to them. A perfect way to get familiarised with them? Develop a buyer persona, the image of your ideal customer's beliefs and characteristics, Your future customers' desires, goals, and behaviours. determine how you communicate, your product quality and service. Knowing these priorities lets you estimate what kind of social media platforms your people use, what motivates them, and where they’re more active online. 

This knowledge enables you to create a powerful, efficient brand which will reach the correct audience.

Establish an identity and voice For your brand

When we get to the 2nd business growth stages, Your brand will start to take shape once you have established your buyer persona, Build your brand identity - what makes your brand different and special - and its voice, which is the tone you use in any public communication. Developing the voice and personality of the brand is very similar to creating the personas and it's a great business growth idea. 

But instead of answering questions about your target audience, you're answering more introspective questions about your brand: What are the goals of your business? what does it represent? and how do you want people to talk about your brand?

Focus on producing content that supports your values, write compelling emails, blogs, and social posts that represent your profession, values, and the way you want the customers to think about your business.

For example, share contact information on social media pages, and answer questions that appear in comment sections if one of your values is to be responsive and available to customers.

Developing your voice comes through in the script of that content, Are you going to use customer-related conversational language? Or would it be more profitable to speak from a technical point of view to hit your audience?


business growth idea

Start building out a clear presence in social media 

Since you have a good picture of what concerns your audience, next, find out where they spend the most time on social media and sharing that time with them is a great business growth idea. 

We have addressed how successful it is to meet people where they are already present, and that includes their actions online, to figure out where your audience spends time online. Check out competitors — see where they're most active (and how their language may or may not connect to audiences).

Also, look at how people communicate with social media, For example, the highest percentage of U.S. men and women using Facebook are aged 24 to 35. 

So, concentrate your plan on Facebook if your persona suits the bill.

if the majority of the audiences prioritizes one social network, you'll know what platform to focus on more, but that doesn't mean that you should ignore other platforms, by developing an identity on multiple social media networks, you'll have a chance to increase your audiences.    

Changing the strategies and platforms that you use to get new leads lets you interact with as many customers as you can.

Retaining a presence is just as important as creating one, have you ever visited the Facebook page of a company, to find that nothing has been updated in the last three months? it probably didn't have a positive effect on you as a customer. Being on social media and updating all the time is a great business growth idea, By organizing and scheduling social media updates, using any marketing calendar, your presence is easier.

business growth strategies

Start a blog

Blogging the most effective business growth stages, blogging is a fundamental step in inbound marketing, it lets you attract potential consumers by creating the content that meets what they are looking for, it's just as important as your personas and your large/medium, or small business web presence. 

So, take time to schedule your blog updates, it's worth it, and will of course help you reach more audiences and get them engaged with your content. An editorial calendar will really help to keep regular timing and new content on your blog.

Customers will certainly be searching for the details that you can give. Furthermore, that content can be used as a material to populate your social media networks. Conduct keyword research to see what your audience is looking for, which will tell you what the most popular topics for your audience are through search engines and it's going to work for your large/medium, or small business web presence.

Give priority to customer service. 

The best of business growth stages, When we hear the word "Amazon" most of us think instantly, "Exceptional customer service.", The online apparel retailer developed that level of service into its core business strategy.

Amazon, having outstanding customer service had saved money on marketing and advertisement as the dependence of its brand. That is because it generated word-of-mouth between existing and potential clients, which makes it very important.

This is called earned media: The attention the brand has earned from people talking about something exceptional that you have achieved, not from advertising.

For example, when you're online shopping, probably the first thing you would do is read reviews. If you find reviews that mention fast shipping, helpful customer service, and high-quality products, you're more willing to buy.

As you go through these steps of creating your brand, think of the qualities you want your audience to find, such as excellent service, These qualities are what forms the identity of the brand, and affects the voice you are forecasting to your audience.

Take advantage of co-branding.

Last of business growth stages, As you go through these steps of creating your brand, think of the qualities you want your audience to find, such as excellent service. These features are what forms the identity of the brand, and affects the voice you are forecasting to the audience. 

To build it, you can take steps while you're achieving your business growth idea, but that takes time. One way to get your name in front of a wider audience more quickly is to make partnerships with other companies.

But you can’t just randomly select a brand to work with, Make sure that it is one that is compatible with yours because it makes sense in your audience's minds.

 Looking for a co-brand? here's what we recommend:

  1. choose a partner whose audience would be interested in your brand.
  2. choose a partner that your audience would trust, That’s very important for getting them to listen to you.
  3. what do you have that your partner doesn't? what can you offer to them? this should be a win-win experience, for example, if you have an international audience that your partner doesn't, you should point to that when discussing the partnership.

Finally, Have fun with building your brand. After all, this is a creative process and while some experiments may not work, you can always learn to improve and get better with every business growth idea we shared with you. 

Good luck. 


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Melody Bedingfield

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Brightery Technical Support team member, and technical writer who's addict to new technology, robotics and automation

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