how to east money earn, without leaving your home, we can say easy money near me. how to earn money by blogging and make money affiliate marketing, and how to earn money from youtube.
The top 3 ways to easy money earn
The easy way, everyone is looking forward to the easy way, and in this post, we're going to give you tips and tricks about the easy way to easy money earn or easy money near me or even without leaving home at all!
Wants to learn more? continue reading, but don't forget to share, like and return to see all my posts in the brightery blog.
Earn money by blogging
Create and earn money by blogging
A blog is one of the best ways to attract the audience, Wherever your field or industry, with blog posts and posting you can earn a lot of money in no time.

How can you earn money by blogging?
First of all, you have to get your own blog for starting your posting process.
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You have to understand how to deal with Console and Search Console, Also you should have enough experience with webmaster tools, how to use social media for more audience attraction such as facebook, twitter, and Pinterest social media marketing. Understanding what is content management systems is also important, that why you should get enough knowledge about content management systems or CMS.
Sitemaps and sitemap creating and attracting crawlers to your website and indexing your website is important to be known from your side as a blogger, isn't it?
You should also understand the difference between a web application and website, and understanding the benefits of building your website on a CMS base.
Make money affiliate marketing
How to make money from affiliate marketing?
You should first understand that the web has so many ways to earn money from but earning money and the process of make money from affiliate marketing is one of the easier and the best for marketers.
You might not have your products, You can't start your own product and you have to spend millions of cash with a huge team to create your product. What if you can have a simple commission with the selling process?
So similar for retail, You sell other companies product for your own commission but online, and it's way better, you don't have to buy products to sell it. you just sell it!
Related: WordPress Affiliate program
There's a full post about how to make money affiliate marketing and in this post, you can learn more:
Top 10 Affiliate Marketing Websites & Programs For 2019

How to earn money from youtube?
Earn money from youtube
If you want to learn more about how to earn money from youtube, here we are:
- Build your engaged customers' audience.
- Join YouTube partners.
- Start Earning.
YouTube released a course for new people wants to start a youtube creating videos and earning from youtube, you can learn more from this:
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